

#025 出奇蛋之:米老鼠,米妮鼠,健达,超级玛丽愤怒的小鸟

本视频中介绍各种出奇蛋以及里面的惊喜。翻译:红梅 Wolf; 顾麟。 配音:红梅 Wolf。 制作:Julie Hansen。 拍摄地点:美国俄勒冈州科瓦利斯。版权所有 ? Creative Videos。 保留一切权利。非经本公司书面许可,任何单位和个人不得擅自摘抄、复制本文档内容的部分或全部,并不得以任何形式传播。

健达出奇蛋(健达 SURPRISE或健达 Egg)是包含玩具的巧克力蛋,制造商是生产金莎巧克力的意大利食品商费列罗(Ferrero)。由于年龄在三岁之下的孩子可能会咽下或吸入出奇蛋的玩具小零件。为了符合各国针对玩具小配件安全指标,近年制造商已把承载玩具的塑胶蛋壳两端联系起来。而盒装的健达出奇蛋都有注明只供三岁以上孩子享用。 有些像健达出奇蛋的产品,以糖果或标签取代玩具。



Surprise eggs are foil wrapped chocolate eggs that contains a toy inside a plastic shell

Kinder Surprise, also known as a Kinder Egg or, in the original Italian, Kinder Sorpresa, is a confection manufactured by Italian company Ferrero. Originally intended for children, it has the form of a chocolate egg containing a small toy, often requiring assembly. "Kinder" is the German word for "children

Luigi Zaini is the only confectionery factory actually located in the city of Milan, Italy. A distinctive feature of Luigi Zaini’s products are the creative resources devoted to the packaging, quality and selection of surprises which accompany the products created especially for children. Here, the chocolate egg season lasts all year round, there's even a summer version (with chocolate flakes inside carefully designed packaging). Each pack has a 3-D surprise which is always of a character linked to the leading market licenses including Barbie, Pixar Cars, Disney Planes, Donald Duck, Disney Frozen (Movie), The Avengers, Tom & Jerry, and Winnie the Pooh.

出奇蛋 米老鼠 米妮鼠 超级玛丽 愤怒的小鸟 巧克力 玩具妈妈 健达 Hello kitty Spiderman eggs Disney princess snow white kinder English toy mom peppa pig

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